A Focus on Character not Reputation
“Be more concerned with your Character than your Reputation, because your Character is what you really are, while your Reputation is merely what others think you are”. John Wooden
These days I see a lot of focus on building Reputations especially online. But, are these online personas an actual representation of who they really are or what their companies are? I think not and all though Reputations are important they are somewhat substance-less in comparison to Character.
Character remains through adversity and will endure the Forge revealing whether we’re made of a Noble Metal or something else. Tough trials exposes ones core principles and level of integrity. By consistently demonstrating integrity, discipline and empathy, one naturally earns trust and a Reputation of authenticity and reliability.
Through working on one’s Character the persons Reputation of authenticity and reliability float to the top automatically. By focusing on Character a good Reputation is already demonstrated.
How do you test my Character concerning allowing us to buy your house?
I’m down to Earth:
- I drive a 20 year old truck that I enjoy working on. Why does this matter? Obviously, I’ve been through some tough times if I know how to work on vehicles. I didn’t bust my knuckles for the fun of learning how. Secondly, sometimes I have to approach a pre-foreclosure situation and this is my way of showing empathy and respect. I know what hard times are like and can empathize.
- No fancy watch or Jewelry. Doesn’t matter where you see me in town, I don’t own fancy jewelry. I don’t work to enrich myself. I try to focus on finding purpose by helping others and supporting my family.
- No slick high pressure tactics. We don’t rely on flipping houses or wholesaling houses for month to month cash flow. Our company has been in business since 2005 and has a stable portfolio. I do this to have a reason to get up early and work hard every day, I don’t have to close the deal no matter what.
I say what I mean and don’t play games:
- I can back up what I promise. I’d be more than happy to show you our credit line proof of funds.
- I don’t play games and will offer you a short option period under 7 days.
- I will offer you a reasonable earnest money deposit over $1000.
- I’m transparent if you’re interested in knowing my plan for the house. Just ask.
- I’m married to an Attorney. The good kind whom protects families and businesses. Unfortunately there is no regulation in this industry. However, we are also legally bound by a code of ethics. How many other investors can say that?